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Idle hands ...

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Sylkis finds herself in the Old Forest when she is allowed. She has told the Mother Superior that she is going to tend the graves in the abandoned church. The High Prelate disapproves - has forbidden her, in fact. But she can't seem to keep herself away. It seems wrong to abandon them, as though their lives meant nothing. And doesn't Holy Mother Church teach that all lives are sacred?

The work is good for her soul. The cool, the quiet, away from people. She is grateful for her new life, but it can be overwhelming. She's not used to all the noise, to say nothing of the schedule. Here, she can just be herself.

Her tiny hands work the dirt away, cutting roots and vines, scrubbing moss from headstones. She knows she can't reclaim the building; it's too far gone. But she can, at least, ensure that the headstones are legible ... ish.

"There," she says as she finishes the second one. "Now you're done". She sits back on her heels to admire her work. She notices that her hands. She's not sure how she will explain those. *Truth is best,* she thinks. She knows there will be extra chores or more time in prayer, maybe even a skipped meal or two. But it isn't anything she can't bear.

She gets up and wipes the detritus off her habit as best as she is able. It will need to be washed. She's expecting that she will be responsible for it. "Oh well. Can't be helped."

She gathers her things and heads back to her pony. She makes sure to be back as quickly as possible. That she is already missing most of today's liturgy. And it's not safe after dark.