Winter still holds its grip on Urt, though warmer weather is coming. The trees are bare, yet filled with the promise f life. She left the city several days ago, after her meeting with the Guild Mistress, so that she could clear her head.
*Member of a guild,* she thinks. *Never in this lifetime did I expect that.* But here she is, beholden to, and having to trust in, strangers. She hated it. It was a yoke around her shoulders keeping her weighed down. Well she knew how to throw off a yoke. Or, rather, who could throw it off for her.
She needed her sister.
Yescerys went deep into the forest, into the dark and shadowed, where the evergreens stood watch. She knew that Sa'anvi could be found there. She preferred the shadows. They both did. Something dark crawled in the nature of both women. Though they be but half of one to the other, they were all each of them had.
"Sa'anvi," she called. "Are you about?"