It has been 13 weeks since Leigh has started playing and he's up for being able to advance his job pay.
Currently he is a pick pocket- (Base Pay: 1 gp / week / point in relevant stat) = 7gp / week / Sleight of Hand.
After you have worked a common job for 13 weeks, you can get a promotion. You need to contact a DM to request this. After the promotion, you will earn 2 gold per week total.
Further advancement is not possible, but you may be able to grow into a different job type.
So his weekly income would become -> Pick Pocket- (Base Pay: 2 gp / week / point in relevant stat) = 14gp / week / Sleight of Hand.
If done with his level up it would then become -> Pick Pocket- (Base Pay: 2 gp / week / point in relevant stat) = 16gp / week / Sleight of Hand.