I submit Avitus, Avitus Lontinus Arvini jedi character approval. Also the species Antreans for approval.
character approval avitus
Could you link up the training items you have? It should be as simple as throwing some double brackets around the items (character sheet fields default to linking to the Rules namespace).
Everything is now a link
On the Antreans: Please swap the singular and plural fields so the page's title is singular, this helps keep some consistency on the wiki when linking things. (Though the plural as an alias is of great help ^_^)
On Avitus Lontinus Arvini: A square image would work out better, on both the wiki page and the character page.
That being said:
Antreans approved
Avitus Lontinus Arvini approved
(Also, now that your character is approved, go ahead an update your wiki page to reflect that by setting "Padawan {Name}" as the page's title, and "{Full Name}" as the page's real name—which you can get by hitting the Advanced button. That way links to your character will correctly show up with the Padawan title.
An example of this title/real name thing can be see on Master Dhahlee's page.)