Level: 4
Class: Rogue (Taking the Burglar Archtype)
Attribute Point Gain: +1 Dex (16 Dex Total)
Skills 12
Acrobatics: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Climb: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Disable Device: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Heal: +1 rank (1 rank total)
Knowledge- Dungeoneering: +1 rank (2 ranks total)
Knowledge- Local: +1 rank (2 ranks total)
Perception: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Sense Motive: +1 rank (2 ranks total)
Sleight of Hand: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Stealth: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Survival: +1 rank (1 rank total)
Swim: +1 rank (4 ranks total)
Special Abilities-
Rogue Talent- Trap Spotter
Archetype Burglar - Careful Disarm