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Eldrin Grows in Power

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Level: 4

Class: Arcanist

Attribute Point Gain: +1 Cha (16 Cha Total)

Skills 6

Knowledge- Arcana: +2 ranks (3 ranks total)

Perception: +1 rank (4 ranks total)

Spellcraft: +3 rank (4 ranks total)


Arcane Reservoir: +2 (11 total)

Spells Gained-

2nd level: Invisibility (prepared)

2nd level: Make Whole

Changing out Ray of Frost for Daze

Adding Disrupt Undead to extra slot of Cantrips

Eldrin would like to buy a Handy Haversack for 2,000gp please. And also please add his spellbook and component pouch into it. Thanks in advance.

Level: 5

Class: Arcanist

Skills 6

Acrobatics: +1 rank (1 rank total)

Heal: +1 rank (1 rank total)

Knowledge- Arcana: +2 ranks (5 ranks total)

Perception: +1 rank (5 ranks total)

Spellcraft: +1 rank (5 ranks total)


Meta Magic: Maximize Spell


Arcanist Exploit: Craft Wonderous Item Feat

Arcane Reservoir: +2 (13 total)

Spells Gained-

2nd level: Protection from Arrows

2nd level: See Invisibility