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The Repo Man cometh

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The Chitterlings. One day is the same as any other.

Vex had darkened his hair with charcoal, added some angles to his face with make up, and plausible half-elf ear attachments. He also donned his reversable cloak to cover the tools of his trade. Some gentle inquiries had led him deeper in to the Chitterlings, to no surprise of Vex. Where else would a gang boss keep his prize stolen heirloom?

"Hey Big Guy. Is the boss in tonight? He'll be pissed if this information doesnt get to him. You wouldnt be the guy that lets that happen." *his big smile and disarming demeanor fooled both the goon and the passersby that he wasnt shaking him down for information. The boss wasnt in, as he had surmised. "Thanks pal." He patted the man on his side, as if he couldnt reach high enough, and withdrew his membership chit in the process. Like stealing candy from a baby. Which he was certain this outfit DID do.

Waiting for his chance, Vex pulled his hood up and joined behind a group entering the hide out, flashing the chit as he did, but not before palming a rock, which he tossed making a clatter, distracting the guard to pay no further heed. By the time he looked back Vex was gone. Swift quiet steps led him to the room he'd bullied out of another mook. The lock was far more complex than usually found down here. This was from Frosthaven for certain. It slowed him down, but only slightly. He opened the door a crack, slid his dagger in, lifting the trip wire off its hook, and double checked there were no other traps before heading inside. I'd found more resistance in his little brothers room growing up. A brief search located the box he was after. He verified its contents and slid it in to his pouch.

"Ey! w'o're you?!" a voice called in to the room. "Bollocks!" Vex drew his sword as the ganger rushed him with a dagger. "IT'S THE REPO MAN!" the ganger cried back in to the hideout. Vex deflected the first hasty strike, and reposted, but the ganger had a life time of experience and saw the strike coming and dodged. From no where the ganger threw dirt up at Vex's eyes, and he instinctively covered his face to protect his eyes. The dagger pierced his cloak, but scaped off his armor beneath, and Vex kicked the rogue in to the table, tossing loot everywhere, buying him a few seconds. He opened the window and climbed out, and up.

"There he goes!" Vex's frantic climb had not gone unnoticed. Arrows and sling bullets clattered the wall, and he lept across to the next derelict building, and inside. Dashing through the living areas of the destitute to much outcry, he lept out the next window to the street below and into the alley. The gangers soon followed but came up short to the empty alley, filled with refuse and discarded furniture. They began searching systematically, but despite posting sentries, Vex slipped by. No one ever looks up in these situations.

Now back in the streets, having flipped his cloak, removed the ears, and smeared the make up, he looked like a filthy begger. He moved stooped and slow, going mostly unnoticed. After an agonizing hour, he arrived at this destination. He cleaned himself up briefly and knocked. The door opened a crack and a suspicious face peered out, then opened the door all the way and admitted the Repo Man. "Did you get it?" she asked. Vex produced the box and placed it in her hand. "Oh, I can never repay your kindness!" Vex smiled. "Dont worry yourself about that now. Keep safe from now on, ok?" He left, fingering the file strapped inside his armor, which had the REAL reason he had agreed to this to begin with. He picked a round about way out of the Chitterlings and in to the city, after stopping to change in to a better state of gear. The city officials would pay good coin for THIS information....