Humming to herself, Felia flounced down the halls towards the quartermasters office, her spirits raised higher than the previous week or so.
"What changed, Felia? Get lucky?" Asks a hapless recruit.
"Yes! New roster is up. I get to go scout the tundra! Very lucky!"
Several recruits shook their heads, both at the missed inuendo and the fact she is the only Warden insane enough to look forward to the misery of the tundra.
At the quartermaster she pulls out a list.
"I need an extra quiver of arrows, an entrenching tool, a skinning knife, extra pitons, and rations."
"You're scouting the tundra, not scaling a mountain."
"Well, I could be!"
"But you arent."
The Quartermaster sighs. "You know I cant resist the eyes..."
A heavy sack was placed on the counter and Felia swiped it away, and flounced back down the hall way.
"I'm gonna go tell Tessa...and kick Bob. Maybe I'll see where Julio went off to..."