Jaeson tossed and turned in his sleep. It had been a few days since he had seen the dragon, and yet the sight of it still pervaded his dreams. He saw the monolith once more, the edifice reaching up as if it wanted to claw a hole in the sky. And then the dragon was within it.
It was that last that terrified Jaeson most of all. This was no simple black dragon, this was a progenitor dragon. One that had been alive at the dawn of the world… and would more than likely be around after it’s passing.
AND IT WAS AWARE OF HIM! The eyes that had been closed before were now watching him with a black, red malevolence that seared his very being, almost forcing him to his knees in supplication…
And he woke with a scream that resulted in pillows being thrown at him by the other dorm mates. It was a scream that apparently carried through the hallways as well as other apprentices, some dressed, others in night clothes, peered in to make sure someone wasn’t being sacrificed. The apprentice master eventually made his way to the room and cleared the apprentices out, including those who had been sleeping, and looked at Jaeson with a pitying look.
“Jaeson, that’s the third night in a row you;ve been having nightmares. Is there something you want to talk about?” Jaeson shook his head and sighed.
“Not something I can talk about right now… but if it helps, I’ll be moving out in a few days - Yasmine and I have found an apartment that works for us”
“I understand, and you know that I’m here to talk any time regardless of where you are.” Jaeson nodded in reply then stretched.
“Thank you master, but if you’ll excuse me, I might as well get dressed and face the day.” The Apprentice master nodded and headed out, giving Jaeson his privacy. Jaeson dressed calmly, checking everything and including his backpack, before heading out… he needed a drink. A strong one… and time to think.