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Jailhouse Rat

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Xit chittered and squeaked to himself while he considered his predicament. His extracts and formulae had been taken, but his best weapon was still his cunning wits. He was Skaven, not ridiculous pink skinned softy, after all.

He had some materials to work with, it would just take time to harvest and alter by hand. He had stone and flint. Straw, and the cloth from his bedding if any and what was on his person. A slop bucket, and the bars on the window and cell.

Stone and flint, and some body waste, cement paste. Straw and wood, a lock picking aid. Metal shavings, some treated with water and waste...well, that would be a surprise if he could make an ignition source. It was a start. He bruxed in satisfaction, ignoring the regular calls for him to be quiet.

I'm trying to understand where he's getting these materials from. Everything was stripped from him. He has a cot and a winter blanket. He has no bucket. He's in the lowest quadrant of the cells. If he needs to defecate or relieve himself, it'd be in a corner. No one is treated fairly down there. You wouldn't have any lockpicks either unless someone provided them to you which would result in further investigation.

On top of all of this, if he somehow manages to unlock the door, you're escaping in a place filled with guards.

I'm trying to understand your logic here.

Stone scrapings, metal shavings, wool from the blanket, straw if provided, bits of food. Bits of waste. Maybe it's impossible to actually make anything with any of that, as I the player an not an alchemist, but the ADHD rat would be trying to work anything with what little he has.

Lock pick with hardened straw or bone, and tiny fingers. Maybe it doesn't work. He's experimenting. If it works he isn't leaving but he knows he can get out of the cell if something changes.

He's a mad alchemist left with nothing but time. It's dangerous. And maybe futile, but he isn't just sitting there singing jail house tunes.

Failed alchemy from scraps is still science and something is learned.

Failed lock picks are science and something is learned. Other prisoners complaining are voices in his head and just distractions.

Fair enough :)