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A thesis presented

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A Thesis on the proposed backup systems for the Subterranean tramway

Presented by Jaeson Silvereye and Callista Gearwright

The tram project between Frosthaven and Ironhearth through the use of Geothermal engineering, has proven to be a project of tremendous capability and ingenuity. To help enable it more efficiently, the following schematics and calculations are hereby submitted.

  1. In respect of the issue of the vulnerability where the tram is not directly converting Geothermal power, it is theorised that an arrangement of Aether crystals can be used to power the tram until the tram once more is able to carry itself on regular steam propulsion.
  2. Given the inherent instability recognised with the Aether cores, it is possible to modulate the power flows through the cores by use of pylons that the crystals surround.
  3. It will also be possible to ensure that the power surges are mitigated by the use of a modified Faraday cage that doubles as a stress level conduit to the crystals with power flowing through them.
  4. In the case of a partial melt down, the pylons would take the brunt of the damage, acting a safety fuse for that crystal

The resulting network of calculations, combined with the design will ensure that the system will work functionally as a back up engineering propulsion for the tram with minimal risk to the operator, needing tuning only at the end of each journey while passengers disembark and board.

In the result of one, two or even three exterior crystals, or the central and up to two exterior crystals failing, the unit will still be able to power the tram to the next geothermal point at which point the unit is to be disengaged from the main system.

Due to the fact that the primary purpose of the Aether Core is to be utilised as a backup system and should not be relied upon as a primary mode of transportation, it should be allowed to recover from the strain. Use as a primary mode of transport will require a redesign of the tram This is a good idea!

The primary matrix of the wire network has been designed as copper for both conductivity and simplicity with the cores of the pylons being forged from bronze to allow for a safe melting point should the pylons fail at any point.

In the extremely unlikely event of a multiple system failure and imminent implosion or explosion, the entire unit is designed to be able to be removed, with safety gloves that would be worn while operating the tram, and ejected out the side window where it will not cause risk to the occupants of the tram.

The power provided of and for the wheels can be used safely, when coupled with the attached diagrams of the safety coils, these will assist in ensuring that any discharge is properly earthed through the body of the tram and into the ground safely without harm to the passengers or the tram itself.

The schematic for the crystal lattice is as follows:

In the following pages, we present our combined calculations for the work and trust that it meets the required standards expected. I still think that we should redesign the tram!

(( Following are several pages of meticulous calculations and diagrams using both Engineering and Arcane specifications, in two separate hands, but coming to the same results each time, proving that the theory on paper at least, is sound. ))