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Unable to add a page

I'm trying to add a new page but I get a "not able" symbol over the link I'm trying to make. Is there a limit to pages?

Edit by (): Marking bug as resolved.

Hi there, sorry for the late reply. Offline things got in the way.

There is no limit to the number of pages, but there are some other things you might run in to.

Depending on where you are linking from, you might have to tell RPGpad a little more about where you want to link to.

Did you get a link that was something like Not there?

If so, you might be trying to link to a page from somewhere that can't "see" that page.

For example, to link from a forum post to a rules page, you need to tell RPGpad that you're linking outside of the forum:

Which looks like this: [[rules/That one Rule]]

Or, if you want to link from the front page to a wiki page in the setting wiki:

Have a look at [[setting/The Kingdom]].

If the above helped you out, please let us know so we can close this bug report.

If the above did not help, knowing more about what your are trying to do will help pin down the issue. So, if possible, can you tell me from where you are trying to link, and to where you are trying to link?

It showed that, yes. But typically when I click on that link it would direct me to a page to create a new page, since it doesn't exist. I can't get that far any longer.

This issue occurred when creating a link to a page if the page name includes a /, resulting in a link to a non-existent forum. Omitting the / from within the linked page name resolves the issue.