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Bug in adding or changing character image?

In the FWURG campaign I'm trying to update the character image for my Jedi, but nothing happens when I press the "Save to page button" or "Save Character button".

Bulleted information:

  • Where did the bug occur - i.e. what URL



  • What were you trying to do?

Add an image

  • What did you expect would happen?

Return to page to see image had been changed after clicking the "save" button

  • And what happened instead?

Mostly nothing, once I received an error saying there was no response. I don't remember the exact formulation

  • What browser were you using?

Chrome on Windows 7

Edit: changing text only still works, and the image is in .png format

I had a look at the issue, and it might be due to us running an update at the exact same time you tried to update an image.

Could you try to update your image again? If it still does not work, let me know!

It still did not seem to work, but it was probably due to the size of the file -.-

It worked after making the file smaller.

Hmmm, that's interesting to hear. We'll look into giving better feedback there!

(How big was the file?)

(2650 KB. Its 606 KB now. That still took a few seconds)