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Changelog 2019-11-29

This week we have completed the next step in our Dice rolling journey: D3 support. In parallel we are still working on improvements to allow new communication methods in the backend!

This week's blog post is about D3 rolling!


  • Added face value custom rolls to Pathfinder character custom rolls. This allows custom rolls to help with damage and spell effects in the context of a specific character.
  • Add support for D3 rolls for characters in campaigns with the D3 game system. These rolls take into account the specialisations of the character, and allow Disadvantage to be indicated.
  • Added freeform D3 rolls to D3 campaigns. These rolls can be used for NPC rolls, or other rolls that need to be made but are not related to a character.
  • All freeform rolls are now indicated by an italicised "Freeform" note before the roll, to clarify their status. This helps differentiate between the different rolls to prevent mistaking one for the other.


  • Fixed a bug that caused a spurious error when selecting a mask for a character with a characters sheet in a game system without supported dice. Characters without character sheets are now again supported without issue.
  • Fixed a Pathfinder character sheet bug that caused class skill bonus to be applied for skills without having any ranks in that skill. This has now been fixed to correctly follow the rules.