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Problem with Campaign

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I'm uncertain why, but whenever I go to certain pages in my campaign, I get an error which reads:


500 - Internal Server Error

There was an error. This might be a rampaging horde of orcs trampling the servers, the servers might have been eaten by a grue, or something else is amiss. Whatever it is, we are looking into it.

The campaign is Al'Qazzharrah and it seems to trigger everytime I try to view the Character's tab add spells or languages. I'm not sure what I broke, or if there's a server issue.

Through some investigation, it only affects anyone who has a role higher than player. So Game Master, Operator, Engineer etc. Anyone with special rolls can no longer see Character lists or edit things like Languages. I can however still create permanent rooms in the chat itself.

Thanks for reporting this!

We've looked into it, and fixed it. You should have full access to your campaign again.

I am still getting the error 500 when trying to look at the character pages on my campaign. I even tried to log out, delete internet cache and relogin. I'm not sure why this is happening :(

Hmm, that's weird. We'll look into it!

After some investigation we pinned down the issue. The latest update should fix everything --- No logout/login or cache clearing required.

If the problem persists, do let us know!