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Changelog 2022-03-18

Due to time constraints we've only been able to work on a small feature and fixes for several bugs. We'll try to keep fixing bugs as they are reported, and will start work on larger features once things have calmed down.


  • RPGpad now tries to autocomplete link fields when an URL is pasted into them. This helps, for example, when pasting the URL for a character page into a custom mask link field.

Fixed Bugs

  • (Community report) Fixed a bug that caused the Atributes on character sheets in World of Darkness campaigns to appear alphabetically while editing, instead of in the creature-type defined order.
  • Fixed multiple styling issues causing action buttons in the menu and on the player profile page to stick together instead of having a little spacing.
  • Fixed the long-standing styling bug that caused the dropdowns inside search bars and such to be 1 pixel less high than the surrounding input elements.