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Changelog 2021-11-05

This week we have improved the way custom data is entered on wiki pages: the link fields and the lists of links now have filtered autocomplete suggestions. We found that this helps immensely with getting the right kind of links in the fields, which improves the benefit of using the wiki for everyone.

This week's blog post is our first post in a series of Roleplaying Theory blogs, an introduction to GNS.


  • Added the optional ability to filter the autocomplete suggestions for Reference and List of References.
    • The suggestions can be filtered on type, which allows things like filtering the Residence field to Locations only.
    • The suggestions can also be filtered on tags, which allows a more flexible approach to what is suggested, as anyone can add the tag to pages that should be in the list. It also works will in conjunction with the type filter to allow things like "Locations with tag Country".
    • Note: It is still possible to link to anything in the fields, this only filters the autocomplete suggestions to guide players into the right list of options. We always want to make sure that RPGpad does not get in the way of the unique and interesting situations in your campaign!


  • Technical: It is now possible to create direct links to wiki page creation that include the addition of one ore more tags to the page. The URL for this is the normal wiki page createion URL with an added tag parameter.
  • Technical: It is now possible to add multiple schemas and tags to a single create URL by passing the schema or tag parameter multiple times. For example adding ?schema=location&schema=faction&tag=Country would create a new page that describes a Location, Faction, and is tagged with Country.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed several layout bugs with regards to how the little action buttons are displayed. They should now display the same on every page, regardless of whether it is a wiki, forum, or chat action.
  • The private conversation tab in the Chat was missing the text "Close" on the close conversation button in the top right. This has been fixed, and the button now has text.
  • Fixed a layout bug that caused the Configuration button and the Help button to be smashed together. They have been given some breathing room again.