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Changelog 2020-04-17

This week we made several improvements and quality of life changes to the character sheets, and the World of Darkness game system in particular. This week's blog post A small change elaborates on one of the changes and the thoughts behind that change.

Character Sheets

  • Improved character sheet handling with a campaign-wide configuration of "Character Sheet Administrators" to set which players and roles are always allowed to edit character pages and character sheets.
    • By default, all game masters are also character sheet administrators, which is a good default for most types of campaign.
  • Updated the "Approval required" character sheet policy: if character sheet approval is required, the character sheet administrators are the players that are allowed to approve sheets.
  • Added an additional character sheet policy: "Approval required, editing of approved sheets restricted". With this option approval is required, and approved character sheets can only be edited by character sheet admins.

World of Darkness

  • We changed the way we track experience. Instead of updating total and free experience, you now enter your total experience and your spent experience. This helps prevent errors because this way you only have to update the total field when receiving experience, and the spent field when spending experience.
    • The free experience of a character is automatically calculated and show in both the character sheet display, and when editing the character sheet.
  • Add the "Fractional Experience" house rule to world of darkness game systems. This house rule can be used to allow halfs, quarters, and other fractional experience points. This is helpful if the normal granularity does not match your groups' experience awarding style.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug that caused longer lists with an oxford-comma to display incorrectly by not having any whitspace after the conjunctive (i.e., "A, B, and C" would be displayed as "A, B, andC"). This fixes inline lists in several places.
  • Fixed a bug where default health levels were not set on a new World of Darkness character sheet. Every character now starts with the commonly used 7-level track.